Una guía para desarrollar la resiliencia, abrazar el cambio y florecer a pesar de las crisis.
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Feliz lectura!
A guide to develop resilience, embrace change, and flourishing despite the crises.
Download my book for free in it's Kindle version in any amazon store, both in English and Spanish, only on September 10th and 11th, and help this gift reach as many people as possible.
You only need an amazon account linked to your Kindle app (both are free). If you don't have the Kindle app, you can download it from the app store or google play. Remember to use the same user name and password that you use in your amazon account.
You can read the book through the app in your cell phone, tablet or computer.
Make sure you download the book from the same amazon store you have linked to your Kindle app (Same user name and password).
Click on "buy" and you will see it's $0
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Happy Reading!